A+ Children’s Books With Music CD Are Sold on Amazon. Click The Underlined Links Below To Order!

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A+ Children’s Books With Music CD Are for Grades PreK-2 and Grades 3-5. There are five (5) books in the set. The books have delightful stories and amazing characters. The stories teach problem-solving skills, coping skills, higher order thinking skills, communication skills, and conflict resolution. The activities include reading comprehension, writing, vocabulary, coloring, communication, and much more.

The books are designed to improve language skills, promote good study habits, increase test scores, build self-esteem, enhance knowledge base, and increase vocabulary. Activities in the books include Reading, Writing, Coloring, Art, Comprehension, Music, Research, Drama, Communication, Vocabulary, and Research. Kids learn to interact in a positive manner with peers and adults and to exemplify appropriate behavior. Each book includes “Culminating Activities” and a “Certificate of Achievement.”

The CD consists of 10 songs that are kid (and adult) friendly, educational, and entertaining. The kids’ music CD has themes that include Safety, Study Habits, Reading, Heroism, Friendship, Family, Love, and many Character-Building Traits.

All of the songs leave lasting impressions, and they teach lessons that children will treasure for a lifetime. The books and CD provide kids with hours of fun while they learn. So, “When You Absolutely Positively Must Have Good and Smarter Children, Let Us Help You!

Order Today at Amazon.com. Click This Link to Order Grades PreK-2.

Click This Link to Order Grades 3-5.

See Titles of Books and Synopses Below

1. Little Ricky Rabbit: Ricky Rabbit’s mother refuses to allow him to do something that he really wants to do.Ricky in turn has a terrible temper tantrum. Watch as Ricky’s tantrum backfires, and in the process, he learns a very valuable lesson. Click This Link To Order PreK-2.

Click This Link To Order Grades 3-5.

2. A Bow For Rachel Rabbit: When Rachel Rabbit enters a contest for Little Miss Springtime, a conflict develops between mother and daughter. Watch how the conflict is resolved through a simple act of love.

Click This Link To Order PreK-2.

Click This Link To Order Grades 3-5

3. Casper The Ugliest Caterpillar: Casper Caterpillar has a very rude awakening. He believes what all the caterpillars have been saying about him is true. What can Casper do to make his life beautiful?

Click This Link To Order Grades Prek-2

Click This Link To Order Grades 3-5

4. Little Stinky Skunk: Stinky Skunk is somewhat ostracized because of a misconception about skunks. Observe carefully how a general misconception takes on a new meaning when friends find themselves in mortal danger. Click This Link To Order Grades PreK-2

Click This Link To Order Grades 3-5.

5. Timmy The Turtle: Timmy Turtle seeks outside assistance as he searches for advice to solve a personal problem. He ultimately learns a valuable lesson that he will treasure for a lifetime.

Click This Link To Order Grades PreK-2,

Click This Link To Order Grades 3-5.

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